Case Study: Epico International

Transforming Brand Image and Driving Growth for Epico International


Epico International is a leading provider of premium lifestyle products. The company faced significant challenges in positioning the brand and reaching their target audience. The visual content and branding materials lacked consistency and failed to convey the desired message. In response to these obstacles, a transformative collaboration was initiated with the production company IVAE Studio and photographer Milo Adams. Over the course of three years, this partnership resulted in remarkable achievements. Including enhanced brand positioning, expanded market reach, and substantial sales growth.

Challenges Addressed

Epico International encountered several challenges related to marketing, branding, and market positioning:

Collaboration Journey

The collaboration between Epico International and IVAE Studio, led by their photographer Milo Adams, began with a response to an online post and additional recommendation. The shared vision and mutual understanding between the production crew and Epico International’s team led to a motivated collaboration. This partnership aimed to address the critical need for strong visuals and a well-defined market position, essential for evolving Epico into a premium brand.

Milo is a professional in the right place, who can get even more out of the cooperation than you expected at the beginning. Although we didn't know each other before the first photoshoot and we started working together on a recommendation, it was clear to me from the first moment that I had found a similar blood type. Milo is a perfectionist, he reacts quickly on the set to the client's requests and the lights don't go out until he is absolutely satisfied. Every collaboration was a joy for me, and with every photo shoot, Milo managed to deliver one step higher quality work.
If you are looking for a production and a photographer for whom shooting is not a routine but who approaches each project as his own,
Milo Adams is the right choice.

Key Achievements

Brand Image & Market Positioning:

Through meticulous photography, Milo Adams and IVAE Studio addressed Epico's branding challenges. Resulting in establishing a premium brand identity and aligning their visual content with their market positioning goals.

Visual Content & Branding Materials:

The collaboration resulted in a diverse range of high-quality product and lifestyle imagery. These images were captured in controlled studio settings with a medium format Hasselblad camera. These visuals effectively communicated the brand's essence and resonated with the target audience.

Revenue Growth:

The collaboration with Milo Adams's studio resulted in a significant growth in revenue, with a notable multiplier after the first year of cooperation. The total sales revenue for Epico's products experienced substantial growth during this period.

Recognition & Expansion:

The collaboration led to international brand recognition, featuring in prestigious publications and expanding Epico's presence to new markets.

Sales increase in the first year alone
1 %
international markets
1 +
worth of products sold
1 +mil €


The collaboration between IVAE Studio’s photographer Milo Adams and Epico International exemplifies a compelling success story. This achievement is showcasing how strategic visual content and brand positioning can drive significant growth and market expansion. The evolution of Epico into a premium brand with international recognition stands as a testament to the power of effective collaboration and visionary creativity.

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Created with ♥️ in Prague  © 2024 Milo Adams & IVAE studio
In Vino Ars Est s.r.o. C 222438 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, IČ 02686864, DIČ CZ02686864